exclude: true --- class: title_bg .title[ livecode ] .subtitle[ broadcast your live coding sessions from and to RStudio ] .conference[ .name[ RStudioConf 2020 · San Francisco ] .bitly[ [bit.ly/RSConf2020_livecode](http://bit.ly/RSConf2020_livecode) ] ] .author[ .name[ Colin Rundel ] .school[ Univ of Edinburgh · Duke Univ ] ] --- class: text ## Live Coding > "the process of designing and implementing a [coding] project in front of class during lecture period" - [Paxton (2002)](https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=771332) <br/> > "Live-coding is an approach to teaching programming by writing actual code during class as part of the lectures. In a live-coding session, the instructor thinks aloud while writing code and the students are able to understand the process of programming by observing the thought processes of the instructor." - [Raj, et al. (2018)](http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~gerald/papers/LiveCoding.pdf) --- class: middle, center .large[ **active** vs. **passive** learning ] --- <img src="video/server_start.gif" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- background-color: #ECECEC ```r ## devtools::install_github("rundel/livecode") s = livecode::serve_file( file = "example.R", ip = "", port = 7982, auto_save = TRUE, interval = 2, bitly = TRUE ) ## ✔ Started sharing 'example.R' at ''. ## ✖ The current ip address ('') for the server ## is private, only users on the same local network are ## likely to be able to connect. ## ✔ Created bitlink 'http://bit.ly/2t86w0o' for ## ''. ``` --- <img src="video/server_send_msg.gif" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: text # Thank you! .middle[ .center[ <div style="width: 98%"> <table class="contact" style="text-align: left; font-size: 120%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:50%;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="vertical-align: middle;"> <i class="far fa-file-powerpoint fa-fw fa-2x"></i> </td> <td> <a href="http://bit.ly/RSConf2020_livecode">bit.ly/RSConf2020_livecode</a> </td> </tr> <tr><td><br/></td></tr> <tr> <td style="vertical-align: middle;"> <i class="fas fa-box fa-fw fa-2x"></i> </td> <td> <a href="https://github.com/rundel/livecode">rundel/livecode</a> <br/> </td> </tr> <tr><td><br/></td></tr> <tr> <td style="vertical-align: middle;"> <i class="fab fa-github-square fa-fw fa-2x"></i> </td> <td> <a href="https://github.com/rundel">github.com/rundel</a> </td> </tr> <tr><td><br/></td></tr> <tr> <td style="vertical-align: middle;"> <i class="fas fa-envelope fa-fw fa-2x"></i> </td> <td> <a href="mailto:rundel@gmail.com">rundel@gmail.com</a> </td> </tr> <tr><td><br/></td></tr> <tr> <td style="vertical-align: middle;"> <i class="fab fa-twitter-square fa-fw fa-2x"></i> </td> <td> <a href="https://twitter.com/rundel">@rundel</a> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> ] ]