class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Reproducible Computing
@ JSM 2019 ### Colin Rundel ### July 27, 2019 --- class: center, middle # Reproducible Computing --- ## Schedule | Time | Activity | |:--------------|:----------------------------------------| | 08:30 - 10:15 | Literate programming and organization | | 10:15 - 10:30 | :coffee: | | 10:30 - 12:30 | Version control with Git and GitHub | | 12:30 - 14:00 | :fork_and_knife: | | 14:00 - 15:15 | Scaling reproducible projects, make | | 15:15 - 15:30 | :coffee: | | 15:30 - 17:00 | More make, wrapup | --- class: center, middle # Reproducibility: <br/> Who cares? --- ## Science retracts gay marriage paper without agreement of lead author - In May 2015 Science retracted a study of how canvassers can sway people's opinions about gay marriage published just 5 months earlier. - Science Editor-in-Chief Marcia McNutt: Original survey data not made available for independent reproduction of results. + Survey incentives misrepresented. + Sponsorship statement false. - Two Berkeley grad students who attempted to replicate the study quickly discovered that the data must have been faked. - Methods we'll discuss today can't prevent this, but they can make it easier to discover issues. <font size="2">Source:</font> --- ## Bad spreadsheet merge kills depression paper, quick fix resurrects it - **Original conclusion:** Lower levels of CSF IL-6 were associated with current depression and with future depression [...]. - **Revised conclusion:** Higher levels of CSF IL-6 and IL-8 were associated with current depression [...]. <br><br><br><br><br> <font size=2.5> Source: </font> --- ## Divorce study felled by a coding error gets a second chance - **Original conclusion:** The risk of divorce in a heterosexual marriage increases when the wife falls ill, but not the husband. - **Corrected conclusion:** Based on the corrected analysis, we conclude that there are not gender differences in the relationship between gender, pooled illness onset, and divorce. <br><br><br><br><br><br> <font size=2.5> Source: </font> --- ## Divorce study retraction: Editor's note - "The research environment is fast-paced given the ethos to “publish or perish"." - "[...] research is becoming increasingly complex, with greater calls for transdisciplinary collaborations, “big data,” and more sophisticated research questions and methods [...] data sets often have multiple files that require merging, change the wording of questions over time, provide incomplete codebooks, and have unclear and sometimes duplicative variables." - "Given these issues, I would not be surprised if coding errors were fairly common [...]" <br> <font size=2.5>Source:</font> --- ## One in five genetics papers contains errors thanks to Microsoft Excel * "Autoformatting in Microsoft Excel has caused many a headache—but now, a new study shows that one in five genetics papers in top scientific journals contains errors from the program, The Washington Post reports. The errors often arose when gene names in a spreadsheet were automatically changed to calendar dates or numerical values." * "For example, one gene called Septin-2 is commonly shortened to SEPT2, but is changed to 2-SEP and stored as the date 2 September 2016 by Excel." <br/> <font size=2.5> Source: </font> --- class: center, middle # Reproducibility: <br/> Why should you care? --- ## Reproducible vs Replicable <img src="img/leek_repro.jpeg" width="66%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <font size=2.5> Source: Patil, Peng, Leek (2019) A visual tool for defining reproducibility and replicability. <i>Nature Human Behaviour</i> </font> --- ## Reproducibility as a trust scale <br/><br/> <img src="img/trustscale3.png" width="1705" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <br/><br/><br/> <font size=2.5> Source: Gabriel Becker - <a href="">Keynote</a> - Advanced R Course - May Institute for Computational Proteomics 2019 </font> --- ## Think back to every time... - The results in Table 1 don't seem to correspond to those in Figure 2. - In what order do I run these scripts? - Where did we get this data file? - Why did I omit those samples? - How did I make that figure? - "Your script is now giving an error." - "The attached is similar to the code we used." <br><br><br><br><br> <font size=2.5>Source: Karl Broman - [steps to reproducible research](</font> --- ## No collaborators? <br><br><br><br> >Your closest collaborator is you six months ago, <br> but you don’t reply to emails. <br> - Mark Holder <br><br><br> --- class: center, middle # Reproducibility: <br/> How? --- ## Reproducibility checklist - Are the tables and figures reproducible from the code and data? - Does the code actually do what you think it does? - In addition to what was done, is it clear *why* it was done? (e.g. how were hyper / tuning parameters chosen?) - Can the code be used for other data? - Can you extend the code to do other things? --- <img src="img/good_enough.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Ambitious goal + other concerns We need an environment where - data, analysis, and results are tightly connected, or better yet, inseparable - reproducibility is built in + the original data remains untouched + all data manipulations and analyses are inherently documented - documentation is human readable and syntax is minimal --- ## Toolkit <br><br><br><br><br>  <br><br><br><br><br> --- ## Roadmap <br/> <br/> -- .larger[ .center[ Scriptability `\(\rightarrow\)` R <br/> <br/> ] ] -- .larger[ .center[ Literate programming `\(\rightarrow\)` R Markdown <br/> <br/> ] ] -- .larger[ .center[ Version control `\(\rightarrow\)` `git` / GitHub <br/> <br/> ] ] -- .larger[ .center[ Scaling and automation `\(\rightarrow\)` `make` ] ] --- ## Computing access - Go to []() - Log in by creating an Account or using your Google / GitHub credentials. - Click the Start Button next to the Workshop Materials project <img src="img/rstudio_cloud.png" width="75%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> - You should now be inside an RStudio Cloud Session that contains all of the workshop files